
Some Mirror Basics: Cheval, Ornate, & Silver

Today, let's just outline some of the basics of what you are looking at while shopping for mirrors.

There is a standard cheval mirror. Chevals are full length, and often pivot on a point near the center of the mirror so they can be adjusted to suit your need. They can be as simple or as decorative as you choose, the market for mirrors is growing every day. Just decide what is most important to you, form, function, or maybe both.

Ornate mirrors are a bit more complicated, only because you are looking solely at the amount of design in the item, not the shape, size, etc... This type of mirror can go just about anywhere in the home, and they are particularly nice for adding style to an otherwise bland room.
And say you're shopping for the bathroom, check out selections of simple silver mirrors. This is where you are looking for something functional, but that will work and coordinate well with the other elements of your bathroom design.

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